Rehoming Bearded Dragon [portland OR]
What helped you to genuinely not give a fuck?
Show me your snow sharks!!
We are living in the Dumbest timeline. I hate it here
Today’s my 28 birthday and I am going to end it tomorrow
What would you say is Thomas' BEST Sad Face?
5-year Portland resident -- still having a hard time adapting to certain aspects of the Portland culture
How much is a antenna setup like this?
This is my cat. His name is Jim
“ham” is not an acronym
SIL asked me to bring a cake for dessert, someone else made crème brûlées so no one ate my cake
Gunshots in SE
bucket full of baby spotted salamanders to be set free
What are you hopeful for in life?
GT Sizing - how tall are you and what size is your frame ?
Rant: just watched a man buy FOUR peaches at the Hollywood Farmer'$ market for....drum roll....
This is it. This is peak consumerism.
How do you build connection with people as an introvert?
New to Portland, OR—
Welcome to opinions
My beautiful Rico has suddenly died at age 4 and a half :( she was an amazing dragon and everyone loved her
What’s the first thing you do when you get home?
Made a McDonald’s Apple Pie side table with giant pie✨
Someone Reported a Colleague for Not Wanting to Engage in Small Talk