What is your favorite comfort series?
25 hours in
Will I be high/lose control of myself if I get my wisdom teeth removed?
Name my cat with a fun name (1st letter : O)
Sean is the peanut butter baby
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Why did you get your Switch?
What energy drinks make the best popsicles?
The shoes for my wedding are here
Who had the best prom fit?
I taunted a girl for having a miscarriage/being cheated on because she was mean to me
What do you see when you look at my Art ?
What are your thoughts on silicone bongs?
Ok, hear me out. There is someone in my walls.
What else should I put in here?
I made my mom who’s never played botw to guess some of the characters names!
The last thing you ate will be he’s name
Usually I hate pickle “flavored” snacks..
Dad confronts his kid's bully in school
What kind of feelings does this evoke?
Show me your black-nosed tuxies! (Bonus for goatees too)
Not sure how kid friendly we need to be but ducky shot glass and pipe for the sub?
I was told I should post my dill pickle soup here.
Do any of these say anything to you? If so which and what?
what name would you give my cat? we thought it’s a girl for 7 months so we named him lily and now that’s his name but i feel like he could have had a better name