Why Do I Feel So Strongly About Kitty Staying Single?
Minho and Yuri
It doesn’t matter your “reasoning”, it’s still biphobia.
Every season, there is kittyuri foreshadowing.
Just look at her😍
Why I think Minho and Yuri can either be Kitty's "reason" or her "lifetime".
Dae vs. Minho
A reason, a season, a lifetime.
Why I believe every couple in XO, Kitty has the potential to work, each in their own way.
This scene is so cute but I feel weird about it
Dae and Minho
The main character privilege
Unpopular Opinion
Dae has been voted the only normal person! Now, who’s Uhhh..what’s your name again? (I predict Mihee)
Can we really call it a love triangle though?
Give me more!!
Mooncovey plane scene
My thoughts
What are your thoughts on Minho's sexuality?
Can someone help me understand?
Theories on Dae being the obstacle between Min Ho and Kitty
Do you love being introvert?
Minho isn’t a playboy
Sir 👀👀👀