Trends and Promises
What do you make of this Spicer-Cell Phone thing?
Trump's 10% hike in the defense budget.
Why is Hollywood so cucked?
Why should we keep our guns?
Are there any Trump supporters here who can subjectively disagree with his decision to ban media outlets from a press conference?
What is your opinion on Spicer's recent statements regarding marijuana?
[SERIOUS] Who is Trump's biggest threat for the 2020 election? And what can Trump do to earn re-election?
To Liberals and Non Supporters: What is Trump doing wrong to the media? What freedoms is his infringing upon?
Does anyone have a problem with how much time Trump golfs, considering he criticized Obama for same thing?
What is your opinion on Trump tweeting that the media is the American enemy? Do you think he will try to silence the media?
[Skin Concern] This only happens after my hands get wet. Can anyone tell me what this is?
NYC Mayor Signs Free Tampons For Schools, Jails, Shelters Into Law
How do you feel about Trump essentially bending over to the coal industry on basically all environmental regulation?
TIL Frito-Lay created an environmentally friendly 100% compostable chip bag but had to remove it from the market because people complained that it was too noisy.
[Breaking News] Orlando Nightclub mass-shooting.
Who's wrongly portrayed as a hero?
Sugarpill is coming out with liquid lipstick, featuring a glittery nude color called "Trinket"!
If you comment on my brows, I will kill you and bury you in my yard!
Is it possible to increase supply at 15 months PP? I want to try and pump some for a friend.
Why has nobody made a Doctor Who eye shadow palette called Count The Shadows yet?
Bill Burr goes on a fast food rant
Happy Tuesday! I would love to know your Favorite and least favorite thing(s) you picked up at the VIB/VIB Rouge sale?
Syrian refugee hands out food to homeless in Germany to "give something back"
Your Most and Least Used Palettes