My first non-tutorial project
Substance to Blender issue
This guy was brave enough to go near a bull
Why don’t bodybuilders with low body fat have skeletal looking faces?
Used to get more than 1k or at least close to it on every video, not anymore…
Pain and pleasure
A person flew a drone to Drake’s penthouse in Sydney, Australia, leading the rapper to throw a shoe at it in frustration
I just cannot like Avowed, even though I tried
Avowed seems to run great on PC
Remote explosives
Finger cut open climbing over fence
Bunch of these growing in my side yard (Upstate, S.C)
To the asshole who sped up behind me before I could get over, recklessly went around me on the median, cut me off with my 2 young kids in the car flinging rocks at my windshield, and brake checked me, before exiting on Merrill Rd. You're a P.O.S.
My partner slammed their finger in their car trunk the other day. Doctor was able to fully reattach!
Professional knife-thrower throws knife into coworker's eye during circus act SNAFU
Dark Fantasy on Deck
Do you ever dink because you want to not because you have to?
What do you think of this idea for labeling a ball?? Placing a super strong sticker inside that you can mark/write on. I’ve played with it and it doesn’t fall off. It’s also pretty easy to spot because the color.
ELI5: Why is nitrous so dangerous to do recreationally, but perfect safe when a dentist does it?
Lower Back Pain
New Joola Gen 3
Will time travel to the past ever be possible?
Did Tony snub Tom segura?
9 weeks mycelium:(
Actual use of a 700 nitro express in the field against a giraffe!