Could Endometriosis be an Autoimmune Disease?
S17E11 - “Ross Matthews vs. The Ducks” [Post-Episode Discussion]
What was with that judging??
Day 3
WIBTA if I told my friend her lips look bad?
I live alone and have been trying to twist open this stupid gelato for a week now. Finally just cut the bottom off.
Spotted in the wild
Sjogren’s flare up or something else?
Birth control is a good thing!
Friend keeps trying to assign gender roles to my cat.
How do you work with bad period cramps?
Old roommates let their dog shit on the couch and didn’t clean it
What 👑 novel is this
How many sets of sheets do you have?
I made a huge mistake
I cAnT cLeAn i HaVe aDhD
My mother’s response to finding out I have an autoimmune disease. 🙃
Mechanic has had my bike four four months UPDATE
Stomach symptoms flare up without birth control?
I (28F) am scared my relationship with my partner (26M) is some kind of coping fetish for him and I'm not sure how to move forward
I've been talking to a girl who told me she has herpes
Who would be your dream clientele if you had one?
Unusual symptoms that aren't debilitating
Does the mirena take away endo flares?
Any way to combat sleeping while driving?