scheana flirting with stassi brother???
help me pick my next watch i beg
Dare I say we may have a new Queen of Delusion?👑
James Kennady just posted with the Tate brothers
Rewatching vpr and holy shit these hoops! I can’t believe I didn’t notice the first time watching 😭
AIO my bf told me if I got fat he wouldn't be with me
Advertising her lawyer
Sutton fashion sense is terrible!
AIO for uninviting my friend from my wedding because of what she posted on about trans people
mcflurry! nah, you get water
Why is Tana gatekeeping pickles ?
kourtney via kendra wilkinson instagram
Comparing your wallet to anyone else’s is beyond gross
season four
"You little f*****! I'll knock you spark out"
Yellow Robe Smith
got my deposit!
deposit tomorrow?
Federal reserve opens back up tonight
I thought I'd share my timeline for others to reference
Hello Kitty Valentine’s Day stuff is 50% off at Walmart right now!
CA refund
LMAO Schwartz saying this when Katie (his WIFE) finds out he’s cheating is actually wild
“Happy Valentine’s Day to those starting over!”
what happened to the restaurants?