Anyone know what’s the tea?
Swing and Miss : XDD Road Rage Rumble. (XDD means Xiao Di Di, little brother)
Swing and Miss : XDD Road Rage Rumble.
Visiting the Cotswold during Easter Sunday.
What happens during distribution for a Muslim in Malaysia with Conventional Insurance?
Any woman and children organisation in Bangkok for Donation?
Pavilion pop mart incident
We all need a friend like this.
Whats the best excuse to not go back home for raya?
Choosing either side from the Palestine-Israel conflict is the first mistake from the people on the internet, Malaysians included.
Help a sister out please.
Why can't I use crucio anymore?
‘We want liveable wages, not merely high salaries’
I'm about to open my own gerai selling ayam goreng in a few days. What are the things you as customers would like street hawkers do to justify buying regularly from them?
how to get name out of BNM blacklist?
What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
The last person that I was with said that, me not using Spotify was a deal breaker. What's the weirdest deal breaker you've ever dealt with?
Today I fingered Democracy
What’s something that you’re into sexually that would surprise most people?
Help, Im such an idiot
Received a sum, not sure what to do.
Gal’s dad burnt all her K-pop merch without her knowledge
Outcry after another foreign footballer gets M’sian citizenship while some children can’t
All out furniture brawl somewhere in the Netherlands
Just curious, but do all car salesman company operate like this?