My first ever fly. An attempt at a hares ear.
Looking for some mid game guidance
Mage gear progression on the iron has been fun :)
Computer stopped turning on overnight.
Drew this in class today. I can’t seem to get the blades right
Good enough equipment/ levels for seren fight?
Finished this big lad.
Noob range question
Seeing a blue border on Apple TV viewed on my Samsung tv. Any ideas on how to get the border to go away?
Best way for naval mission score?
More WIP on the GSC mining clan Counts-as Harpy. Just needs some details and an idea for the turret/weapons
Some test marines for an upcoming army project dubbed "The Petrified Sons". Plus I've never really done stone before
Buggy and aircraft sprues
Test Model for Custom SM Chapter. Workshopping names.
My first crack at sandstone crons
I think this guy knows how to putt
The Perfect Push
What I tell myself
[WTB] FS1913 aluminum brace (WA)
Am I the asshole?
Extruded not functioning on new anycubic mega s
Chimera conversion
Marneus Calgar !
New Tau List 1K. Missile Heavy.
Viability of a breacher and devilfish list at 2k
These are my first minis I've painted in around 13 years (when I was like 13). I'm quite glad with how they turned out, but I would appreciate some C&C and advice on how to improve for next time.