Need to slay in this fit at the club
20 TF looking for anything
Homemade prawn toast I made over the weekend
a girl i like just confessed to me😭
(I'm bored) Let's Argue! Drop your hot takes, I'll do one of my own, I'll try to respond to each one.
My favourite underrated artists
Guess my age!!
what vibes do i give off
My Top 25 albums of the 2020s so far
Gimme some recommendations! And rate my taste if ya want.
Open to recs from any genre!
Albums with a forest vibe?
wlw song recs?
I need to accept it’ll never get better
Girl I was speaking to and planned date with fully ghosted me
20 TF open to anything
Dating apps showing me to cis straight men
What's everybodys Album of the year so far?
Favorite intro line?
Artists with a really consistent discography?
What’s the best final album ever?
Who has the best taste
How many minutes are you on so far this year?
What is the obsession with 10s? Tell me what your favorite Decent 9s are
What 2020s albums do you give a 10 that fantano hasn’t?