Alguém mais percebe como as pessoas estão amarguradas hoje em dia?
My iPhone battery health has been lowering really fast and I’m worried
[ACNE] How long does it take for skin to go back to normal after stopping birth control?
A opossum entered my room in the middle of the night yesterday
Is it actually normal to gain weight after stopping birth control?
[ACNE] Does putting an IUD causes more acne?
Imagine being this delusional and sad
Please colorize this pic of my grandma
Please report this person, he’s spreading hate speech just because I asked him not to use rude words toward me. I’ll explain more in the comments
Songs that feel like a hug
Some idols are praised for literally sounding like a neighbor that can just hold their tune...
Why didn’t he respond? :(
Why are some stans so defensive over hip pad allegations?
Male entitlement
Idols who could play psychos
Why are people still supporting Lucas??