Toronto scene
Fiancé is banning hardcore on carrides, what do I do?
Any songs about girlfriends or ex-girlfriends that are confirmed?
I don't know what I'm doing
fav/funniest bhg lyric(s)?
Is it still possible to read Jimmy's "articles" from spin magazine etc etc?
Devastated that they never played some of my favourite songs live
So it was just bullshit
Jimmy Pop is some kind of vulgar poet
Which are your favorite funny lyrics from Jimmy Pop? As a german I only discovered a few of them and have the feeling of missing out a lot of humor.
Whats up with Rudy?
Which boyfriend do you wish they brought back? Even if it's just for laughs
I’ll start - the Yeti Song at the end of “Putts-giving”
1 Friend Only
Does anyone know where to find the "I'm in the PTA" song?
I (19F) am tired of my boyfriend's (21M) constant texting... how do I talk to him about it?
AITA for not wanting to give up the puppy?
AITA? I am romantically involved with my best friend's ex.
AITA for missing my Brother's engagement party for a friend's wedding
AITA for telling my vegan sister she can't serve only vegan food at our family reunion?
AITA for setting a boundary with my bisexual friend?
AITA For commissioning furry art
WIBTA If I modified my late grandfather’s guitar?
AITA for calling my dad a patriarch?
AITA for Pranking My Coworker With Fake Spiders and Making Her Cry?