March 07, 2025 - Weekly FAQ and Beginner Q&A Thread | If you are new to Neville, please post your questions here! How do I manifest X? What does Y mean?
Which celebrity death during your lifetime that hit you the hardest?
First time playing, what should I know?
What kind of titan would you be?
What stopped you from ending your life?
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen a UBC student do?
What did historia give birth to a titan shifter?
how to stay on top and not get burnt out
From a first person perspective, what is it like in your head? What is it like to be you?
What are some simple pleasures that you really enjoy ?
People with chronic pain, how do you manage it on a daily basis ?
The Voice That Shook The Woods Inferno Mode
What job is A LOT harder than most people realise ?
What series was REALLY good but they ended up dragging it out longer than it needed to be, subsequently ruining it ?
What were you deathly afraid of as a child ?
It’s the 5 year anniversary of the COVID pandemic, how do you feel about everything that has happened since then?
Pls help
I need help and clarification.
What is something people just wouldn’t understand until they’ve experienced it themselves ?
You’ve just won $1 Billion! What are you definitely NOT gonna do ?
I dont understand the hype od sasha
What is an experience you wish you could have again for the first time ?
How do I quit?
to whoever stole my sushi at md
Levi’s survivors guilt must be insane