1 month progress critique? 16, 5'7 108lb just started mk677 2 weeks ago
What’s my body fat %?
140 lbs 19 5’10 onna bulk just need opinions so far
Just a little chest and back today
22, 5’ 10 175lbs, thoughts or suggestions?
Bulk or cut?
Play the long game! (50)
bulk or cut?? 22/ 188/ 6’0
Some progress I guess
Need Feedback!!
Guess my weight, 5’8
Pfp worthy or just cringe?
5’6” 150lbs- Trying to get the abs ready for summertime, idk if I’m gonna make it
How is that M20 70kg 180cm
Any suggestions?
I've cut 40lbs in 11 months and am now "gaintaining". Tips on bring up upper chest and making abdomen less boxy?
20 7 months of working out
19 170lbs down 40lbs
Good for 4 months progress?
Before vs After Pump
18m 6’1 what’s my body fat percentage?
(43) shoulders are getting that muscle fiber look
5’11” 151 33 any advice on lean bulking?
“Whats your favorite planet” “mines the sun”
One month at a time fellas