Candidates selection
മതവിദ്വേഷ പരാമർശം: സിപിഎം നേതാവിനെതിരേ പോലീസ് കേസെടുത്തു
പെണ്ണുങ്ങൾ ആണ് പ്രതികളെങ്കിൽ മുഖം ഒക്കെ ബ്ലർ ചെയ്തേ പടം കൊടുക്കൂ. എന്ത് കരുതലാണ് ഈ മാപ്ര മാമന്മാർക്ക് 🥰
Health Check Up - Suggestions.
Summer in a red scarf
Why is sister - fucker (very common usage in North India and is used in conjunction with MF) not common in an average Malayalis theri vocabulary like Mother - fucker ?
Am I going crazy is that a bathing insane thing to say out loud?
Why people telling this on public rather than telling in their dm
Zemic umbrella scam in Amazon
Kerala among top 5 states where people work 70 hours a week, govt staff fare poorer than national average
Congress sets up vertical for LGBTQIA+ | India News - The Indian Express.
Creationist get schooled by a 6th grader.
LGBTQ+ Rights Under Attack in Kerala – Cyberbullying, Hate Speech & Legal Battles
Help identifying a snake
Wish I could describe how I feel to someone.
Lesley Esteves - A Goan who became the first lesbian to come out publicly in India (1993)
Malayali nurse, Leelamma Lal aged 67, brutally beaten up and blinded for life in Florida for "being Indian"
Do you think a few bi people have it easy?
Who according to you?
Are long-term relationship for queer people possible in india
Nuclear Missiles Diffusion Scene - War and Love (2003). Nail biting action sequence and very realistic.
Any queer affirmative sexologists in Hyderabad?
Trump reveals that Biden was trying to defeat the Modi Govt in India & help the opposition
College in Malapuram with separate entry for boys and girls.
കൈവെട്ടി വർഷങ്ങൾ കഴിഞ്ഞിട്ടും പുള്ളി അനുഭവിക്കുന്ന സൈബർ ആക്രമണം.😓