Anyone else getting really good chests lately?
This is insane, matchmaking is so unfair,95k+ vs 23k come on,how fair
Opinion on Pekka Bridge Spam?
Is this enough for me to call myself a good player at CR?
What’s the rarest emote you have
What is this? Yesterday my clan was at #23 place globaly and now were at #89
Literally wizard
Evo battle ram needs a buff
Just reached uc for the first time,is this a good score?
Evo & deck advice
this game is actually so terrible
Petition to change these rewards from banner tokens to elite wild cards
Avrege league 7 gameplay
I love how this thing got 2 indirect buffs...
How many wild cards is one champion card?
You'll never see a better game of clash royale than this (emotional)
Name something that is more midladder than this. I'll wait.
What do you do in this situation?
Looks like a support card,you can see it give some sort of boost to the dart goblin, maybe a DPS boost?
Let's go!!
Wish me luck!
Evo dart gob pretty much confirmed (posted by Clash Royale on tt)
rate 1-10
You know what else is MASSIVE supercell?