No More Rookie!
Hello humans.
android doesn't like being lonely
"Please don't go~~" "Hey...! Leave me away! I will be late!?"
imma just pass out, she's too much a beauty. im never willing to take a first step towards this kind of woman. i might fail it.
rei wandering on mars with her new friend
whatsapp rei
I made the chimera queen herself: Kasans Teto~!
all my fellas
"Don't worry people will still love your voice and still make songs with you"
teto unleashed
will ya lie to dr.kidori again?
chibi 3
oishiso oishiso
What are y’all’s cuss words?
Has anybody made this image but with different versions of Teto instead?
Who are your favourite producers for Teto songs? (some examples in pictures)
Adachi Rei by Hanaseto_
My attempt at modern pearto.
Knightress Teto
am i just really learning japanese just for teto? yes i am.
Idol Girl Teto-san. [天卯ととり]
Teto in Mind Brand lyrics. PS: Welcome to the mind fxxk -VSauce