NYC Bucket List
What will get you out to a cocktail bar on a Tuesday / Wednesday?
Best places near Times Square
What have you learned about yourself thanks to your oura ring?
Not-a-Normal Holiday Market NYC - extra ticket Dec 7/8 weekend?
private area at bar that can be cheaply rented out for bday party?
If you bought an Oura ring today, would you buy Oura 3 or 4?
Always struggled with sleeping on planes, what you got for me?
Users of this subreddit, name your favorite "non-mainstream" Eminem song from any album
What film is extremely quotable?
Found this dreamboat for $100 at an estate sale - 1959 Drexel Heritage Motorola Stereophonic hi-fi. AND IT WORKS!
What everyday household items are actually way more dangerous than we give them credit for?