What is the best furniture pet hair remover?
What would be your dream 30th birthday celebration?
[Acne] Winlevi genuinely cured my hormonal, cystic acne.
Adidas Adizero Boston 13 (Adidas US)
Good Resturants that aren't Crazy Busy
please help me find a name for my new cat that I rescued, I love her eyes, maybe you can incorporate that into the name, I would be surprised
Just put Phoenix restaurant names into the comments for no reason what so ever
Senior cat in slow decline - what would you do?
What are your predictions for Phoenix in the next five years? Will you still live here?
[Official] 2023 Buy/Sell Ticket thread
Best way to make friends in Dallas during covid?
[Homemade] French bread pizza
Share your favorite Phoenix take-out / local business (Sep)
What is the weirdest thing a man has assumed about you because of your gender?
Okay ladies, what’s your favorite go-to, snarky retort for the obnoxious “when are you getting married/having kids” questions?
A headline from my local newscast
I hope she can settle for a 6 inch
I've been single for four years and now I just feel lonely..
We don’t have a name for her.
Women of Reddit: When and why did you decide you wanted a new start?
Never touch the chonk. No matter how tempting it may be
Bachelorette planning
People who have appeared on hidden camera TV shows like Impractical Jokers or Punk’d, what was your experience on the show? When did you figure out you were on TV and what happened when the cameras stopped rolling?