Original Sin Was Never in the Bible—It Was Smuggled in Through a Mistranslation
Omega 9k tri lug
Sent it on one of these. Anybody have experience first hand experience with them. Zenith ZF-5P
Why is Porn and masturbation a sin?
Unlimited budget build
Instagram is just a soft core porn site, beware
Why didn’t God just make sin not a thing? like how humans can’t fly on their own
Who can cut a ops inc style mount into a barrel
I just think they’re neat
As an ELCA Lutheran, how do I combat Calvinism’s teachings of TULIP?
Struggling seriously
Black cherry, lol. Wtf?
If you are on your church’s governing board, GET TO THE POINT in meetings
Leupold Mk4 Question
AR Grip Review
Feast your eyes
Before I sell this, can anyone tell me if this is real or fake?
Deep forest or laurel green on skogo padded
Is a shorter/standard bipod actually useful in NRL Hunter?
Found on X
Watching girls on IG count as a relapse?
[AMMO] Scorpio 223 55gr $7.99 box, $394 Case /.39CPR. Magtech 45ACP 230gr FMJ $17.99 box, $339 Case/ .34 CPR.
Thinking of buying a AP5-P
How does the model of the Trinity that you believe in resolve these issues?
You may not like it, but this is what peak PRS performance looks like