What Bob Songs do you have a newfound hatred for?
What Bob Songs are you Currently Obsessed With?
The Beatles "Fuck!" Vinyl Bootleg That I've Owned For Decades but Never Played
I want sincere answers only!!!(anything but dylan songs)
Got a Rolling Thunder Bob Dylan Tattoo
How to approach getting into the field as a late starter with no experience?
Best advice for a proposal defense?
What’s your favorite Bob Dillin’ song or lyric?
Giveaway! Comment to enter. U.S. only (sorry). Fluance RT82 Reference Table w/ a Ortofon OM10 Cartridge
What specific moments in Bob's discography mess you up?
They give Oscars for acting like a creep
Which Songs Have Meant The Most You, And When?
“I met a young girl, she gave me a rainbow.”
I’m Bob Dylan, let me tell you about my Twin Peaks fan theories.
Grateful Dead and LSD
I feel dumb for misinterpreting Boots of Spanish Leather
Albums similar to Anthem?
More proof that Gizz IS a jam band
Tangled Up In Blue, Bob Dylan, Tenet Clock 1
Songs Performed in Film
Do avoidants like keeping belongings of exes?
The worst part of the avoidant personality comes out when they decide to seriously commit
Avoidant repulsion towards their partner
Was my ex an avoidant?
How do I stop being sad?
Processing the breakup