Would Sanderson have a problem with me legitimately changing my name to Kaladin?
My fiancé guessed the ending of Hero of Ages. What do I do?
Somehow bruised my heels?!
What’s a species everyone thinks would be super fun to catch until they actually do it? I’ll start.
Is 4lb braided line good for Trout fishing?
First time spilling a conventional reel without a line guide. How did I do?
Names of people from fantasy/sci-fi that start with D
Fishing camp ideas?
Best way to Cook/Grill so eating has minimal bones?
I had a bad interaction with a client and I’m confused. Real question, not trying to be an elitist I’m genuinely trying to understand. Why do so many fresh water guys not let fish pull drag? Read below for clarification.
I would pay extra money
Can’t decide
Planning a fly fishing road trip. Where to stop?
Watercrossing safe minimalist shoes?
Would you support Vermont's secession to join Canada?
Where would you target for brookies using this map?
Peach tree problems
The worst seconds (ep 194)
Am I missing something?
What speakers do y'all like?
Opinion on two piece rods?!
the amount of alcohol my mom has consumed in 5 days
Does these tack welds hold any strength?
How long….?