Is eating steel cut oats with chopped up apple, almond butter and flax seed a healthy meal?
Fitness loss with 1 week off
Want to upgrade my piss-poor setup, but can’t decide between record and cd player
sleepin like she pays bills
Tips to get enough potassium?
Worst day ever 😭
Do you believe organic food makes a difference?
Coffee Storage
The best first job in the world.
Looking for a good alternative to energy drinks.
352 yards to the pin….who’s going for it??
Covid - when can you train again, safely?
Kidney stone that resembles Covid-19 virus
What ingredients do you think gives us that sense of well being in those caffine free hydration mixes you find at the stores?
V02 max estimate
Must Zone 2 exercise be sporadic (vs. continuous for at least 30 minutes) to be beneficial
Box of puppies
Is this a dominance thing? Our Corso has been freaking out last 2 days about our other dogs leg and weiner.. is he trying to tell us something??
How many hotdogs is too many hotdogs in a week?
How Do People Stay Lean While Eating Sugary Foods?
Joining a from scratch team for the local league. Agreed to play goal (never played hockey before) How screwed am I?
Zone 2 experience on different bikes
Reading articles stating that red meat is bad, but it always says, "red or processed meat" - But a hot dog and low fat beef are VERY different, yet they are treated the same in studies.
Tailbone pain
How to down whey protein shakes?