Where's my fireplace?
Sassy AND Wrong!
What’s one complaint or vent you’ve seen on here that you haven’t had to deal with or just doesn’t bother you?
“A whole generation of folks who don’t have the mental callouses to tolerate pain”
Students say “I don’t teach them”
Is college nowadays easier or harder than before?
I love all the emotional manipulation this time of the semester
What’s a proverb, idiom, or phrase that you think definitely applies to being a professor?
I know the feeling is mutual
In the spirit of Christmas
How would your unfavorable course evals and/or RateMyProfessors reviews look if students were completely honest?
What have you been surprised to learn your students don't know?
Love this new policy I adopted this semester
when you mention that you're having trouble trying to do something and a colleague (who you otherwise respect and enjoy) asks "have you tried using ChatGPT?"
Can we please just end the fall semester before Thanksgiving break already???
Just Why?
I really hate the victim mentality of some of these cheaters and plagiarizers
Stress dreams about teaching
If most students are in my class to tick a box and freely admit it, why should I put any time into comments in papers, exams, etc?
Student wants to know what was covered in lecture
the "tell instead of ask" garbage they are getting off of tiktok is unreal
Is your school having money problems? Play my new bingo game!
It finally happened
Success metrics for professors
In your programs history. What was the biggest collapse?