Our mountains are truly beautiful
My siblings and I call my grandfather “The Colonel”. What can you tell us based off his awards?
He stopped for a school bus but the drivers around him weren’t paying attention
My Grandfather who fought Nazi's
Did they take this story down?
Bull bar or brush guard?
Colorado Rockies sunset from our flight home.
Tires and Rims
Found this in my daughters room what is she doing?
Woman gets attacked while jogging for not wearing a bra
Been there
I don't understand
AITA for not believing my boyfriend that "suddenly became gay" due to "the altitude difference" when he was on a work trip in Utah?
AITA for refusing to pay my friend the full price of her concert ticket?
White Lexus SUV
AITA for cancelling my wedding because my fiancé made a major life decision without telling me?
AITAH for refusing to bail my girlfriend's brother out of jail?
Does anyone know of a male stripper who was active circa 1990s-2000s in OKC area? He went by Johnny Bravo and I hired him once for my friend's birthday party 😂
Are there any food pantries?
Scammers in OKC