What happened to being godly 👀? She showing how much jaidyn exists bothers her !🤣🤣🤣
What editing tool is this ....infant rhinoplasty
Newest Picture Of Junior
Do you guys remember?
Acting like the victim as if blue didn't tell you to stop drinking and smoking on Zeus..millions literally saw it
Just imagine
So... We not gonna act like she wasn't under the influence and clearly pregnant, here?
Have y’all ever got thru TSA with it?
is fentanyl soluble in acetone?
Ummm. this video didn’t age well for the person that is doing the commentary after the video🤣
Save Jr.
fk this circus #SAVEJR
Junior looks soooo thin.
AIO, my boyfriend threatened sewerslide
Ronnie imo is the lesser of 2 evils, wby?
THROWBACK chrisean live after blue beats her
Crusty has a manager 🤔
Turning into her mother.
What’s the longest you’ve gone without Pooping.
Before or after pregnancy?
Can someone explain the 2 diaper thing to me?
chrisean taking legal action
Uncomfortable files pt 2?