Coincidence? I do not think so :O
Fiddle top is just AMAZING
Name this boss
Thresh needs an EMERGENCY BUFF!!!
Dark star thresh chroma in mythic shop
I made a Thresh skin tier list; thoughts?
Fiddle top still viable?
Would you like to see Thresh make an appearance in the upcoming Noxus Series?
A Pentakill to win a game where we were 8k gold behind against a fed lv18 Kassadin
Wendigo tattoo
Fiddlesticks mains...what's your champion and jungle pool?
Fright Night Hwei Concept
Who else do my fellow squid enjoyers play as?
Dark Star
I don't like Fiora
Tell me your main Warframe and i'll say something nice about you
Hi new players here came from destiny is this weapon worth the recourses
Fuck zodiac what you’re favourite glyph
What new Hwei skin would you like to have?
What are you building on Vel mid atm?
Show me your ideas
What is your champs average stack/ min?