Looking for GMAX Pokemon, and armored Metwo (if possible).
Offering Giveaway. LF Nothing
Questions & Answers - Weekly Megathread! Please use this post to ask any Pokemon GO question you'd like!
I’m struggling getting Quaqavel
offering first pic looking for everything else. Instant trades only!!!! most are not registered
offering giveaway looking for winners! Description!
I hate this game
Looking for: Kanto Shinies; Offering: Kanto Shinies
Mighty Quaquaval
Would anyone like to team up for quaquaval tera raid
Looking for nothing, offering my Armored Mewtwo!
Kurta Pikachu Raid invites in Pokemon go
Looking for Kingdra and Crobat, offering below
Lf: gmax kanto starters, offering: below 👇 cannot fly, had work the whole weekend in the outskirts, just made it in time in the city for one charizard raid before people dispersed :(
ahhhhhhh! clicked into this lil guy
Giving out some extras from my alts! Comment what u want! Will pick 5 winners! Ends after 24hours!
Indian trainer, I want to raid Sunny Pikachu, let's be friends
Looking for nothing, offering shiny wynaut giveaway
giving away 3 Gmax Charizards for rural players details in description
GIVEAWAY!! Looking for unlucky players! Offering GMAX starters!
Giveaway: Looking for a lucky winner, offering armoured mewtwo
My Alt keeps geting them, so have to pass luck to someone here! Giving 1 away today! 5PM EST!!!! Drop a comment which u want!
lf offering giveaway for rural players ONLY!! read description!!!!!! i can fly!
Moltres in 5 mins w local 010015999626