Former NFL Receiver Leaves Ultimate for Pickleball
Another early 80s ~~I'm an adult now!~~ piece of the songbook. What a magical time it was. 🤍
Do any of you still use an iron?
What international chain do you want to see in the US?
Some of you may remember his Dad, Bob … 😊
When I’m 64
I Still Have Scars From Burning Myself With One Of These
You have a 2 weeks trip with only a carry-on and a personal item—what’s your packing strategy?
Best stereo pairing
Cartoonist Al Jaffee wrote and drew an original Fold-In for nearly every monthly issue of MAD Magazine from 1964 to 2019. Jaffee retired in June 2020 at age 99.
Which portable Bluetooth speaker is best??
I hadn’t heard this in years until this morning.
Begining your journey in jazz
I need to get the fuck out of Texas
My grandpa's blood alcohol calculator
Do you finish movies you start?
Looking for a decent quality very thin sound bar for guitar backing tracks.
Does anyone like the cybertruck?
I need advices to learn jazz piano
Gospel transcriptions or chord charts
Putting it together was half the fun
What do I need to expect/look out/prepare for?
Do you sous vide and how hard is it?
Cant hear my Bose Flex 2 outdoors!! What should replace it??
How to Not Get Fatigued?