Missed Connection with Possible Birmingham Area Woman While in Thailand
Contaminated Ground! A weird one.
Fun things to do in and around Bradford
Prices rises, tax increases.... when is enough, enough?
Seller lied on Ta6 form about development over the road- an update
Student nurse applications drop 35% for 2025
Sent a big CHUNK of my deposit to the wrong account update.
I Sent a Chunk of my Mortgage Deposit to the Wrong Bank!
UK, particularly London has some of the worst quality housing I've seen in the world. What the hell is going on?
15% council tax raise requested
What do Brits think of Elon Musk?
Zilch missed payment but no reference on any credit report or file. Hoping for a mortgage in just a few months.
Brighton Bike Thieves
What opinion about Birmingham will you defend like this?
[deleted by user]
Ive turned into a racist since moving to Canada
Will Twickets resale actually be face value only?
We just got 4 x on Seetickets so keep trying everyone!
Moving back in with mum and dad at 33
What's the difference between a theatre nurse and an operation department practitioner?
Is it a good pie?
Moving there from the US
Reddit, what is your favorite way to say you need to use the bathroom?
Theatre Placement
🇵🇸🇮🇱A recap of events - sticking to the facts.
What’s something that isn’t a religion, but pretty much feels like one?