she doesn’t want to be hot anymore guys
Do I look feminine
Lying about age - a seriously underrated softmaxx
Passport bros, How often do you get mistaken for being a tourist?
9 months post op Rhinoplasty
He’s back to being separated
If a lot of men can't get a relationship: Where are the surplus women?
I don't know how to explain since I got pretty strong derealization after the news but my co-worker has talked bad rumors about me to my boss
Would Benedict Cumberbatch be a high fashion model if he weren't an actor?
Did granny get her implants removed?
Question: where do you see some of these fundies in 10 years?
Looking for Turkish eye surgeon
Marcia Cross is loyal to her crowd and oh so beautiful
Of course, Pearl likes this tweet.
Pearl from JustPearlyThings
The way they're talking about Paul getting hit by a car rubs me the wrong way. It's like they just see it as extra content to rake in the views on Jerusalem's birthday video
Is AI really going to be this harmful? I’m terrified of this shit
How to justify people pleasing.
Plastic surgery in late 20s?
Ona Moody. Miss Nederlands.
Gaby being a fashion model was unrealistic
J.K. Rowling
Experiences with hairline microblading or SMP?
Has anyone else had weird experiences with "gay" men?
Trad Midwest Boy on Tumblr