Orion Nebula last night before moon rise
Neighbour asking to take care of branches hanging over their property
Surging Sparks Booster Bundle drop @ Best Buy at 10:00 AM CST for $26.94
Genuine question. How do you guys stop yourself from opening your sealed product?
Why is my long form video underperforming?
Finally completed my Paldean Fates GrandMaster set!!
YouTube Shorts - Should I keep going?
Make it make sense
Annnnd, they're gone...
Are posts looking for specific cards allowed? I was looking for this bad boy:
PC did me dirty 😔
Do you guys find this type of content interesting?
Pulled my favourite eevelution from the set and im beyond happy
Starting a booster box opening series on YT
Whats the ratio of your pokemon investment portfolio to your stocks portfolio?
Brothers in arms. These two carry the Paldean Fates set pretty hard.
Not sure what i am seeing here
Thoughts on this?
My prized possession