Another Tank
What was your gateway song for Radiohead?
curly red head
i bet her house is hella dirty
Clay Bowls
Did she think this was cute or quirky or funny? Handling a fish tank with her bare hands, eating raw beans and trying to share it with her snap viewers. She's beyond help think she should just be put in a padded cell at this point
Clothing ………..
milk transition
Micro needler??? Rufkmrn??
Alyssa's pregnant?
Personality change
Questions about the fish tank 😅
brat x bic?
Notice how she didn’t deny anything he said. I was lowkey happy someone called her out 😂
neyo in the grocery bag
changed her clothes
A tale in two pictures
If anyone is looking for a place to live that’s affordable :)
Clueless and rude
Pork Rinds??
brattoo pt 2
What episode of bluey that made you the saddest