Any guesses what is making this rotational noise?
just achieved perfection and here's my farm on year 8 π
The Law of Induced Demand: Road Widening (and I-976) Invites Congestion
9% cider!?
Alright creative Redditors, here's your chance. You've got one opportunity to show us your band, and Reddit capitalism will decide if you become internet famous (for four hours) or if you are plunged into the dark abyss of downvote oblivion
more rare than the unicorn
The next morning...
Confession for the poor...
How do you spell "Team Team Fabulous Barbecue" in Japanese (Japanese characters)?
AMA Request: Friendzone Johnny
What was the biggest lie of your generation?
what song do you sing in the shower?
Stanton Moore left-handed nastiness