Any thoughts on this
do new born baby's get a cash gift from the government?
Gold investments
Should I lock in mortgage rates now or wait for next OCR announcement?
KiwiSaver in S&P 500
Are Body Corporates really that bad?
Agent commission
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Mortgage Rate Predicitons
Smishing scam??
Best 3,4,5 year rates across banks?
Is two degrees the worst provider in New Zealand?
Deadline sales suck
How does USA double tax work in New Zealand?
Hair transplant
Conditional clause to pull out based on builders report
Do apartments usually sell under CV?
NZMUSCLE has increased the price of the protein i used to buy 48% since 2020
Flat Plan matching flat
Active vs Passive Investing
Converting to cross lease? Is this a thing?
Are rates paid prior or post usage? selling house..
Kiwisaver choice for kid
Buying a house
Owners of Kingsland Apartments get $36m-$82.9m repair/rebuilding choices