Children who grew up to adore their parents~ please share
Anyone else’s mother commit suicide/hang them self
I’ll never forget the phone call
I found the best floss storage!
What hair style would look good on me?
Baby Exposed my Boob at the Table
What’s the funniest nickname that you’ve been given?
What is your favourite Shampoo/Conditioner?
Is this how its supposed to look?
Is this guy totally doomed?
Almost everything people suggest to me to buy is not worth it
What do you say when someone says “that’s just parenting”?
Dusk is brumating rn and i miss her a lot :( post silly pics of your dragons so we can all feel better about out brumating babies!
Opinions on this heat lamp/thermostat combo?
[routine help] trying to find a routine that helps w/ whiteheads and stands up to winter in Chicago
Looking for a new moisturizer that stands up to winter in chicago BUT struggling with whiteheads
My puppy's name is not Moo. What is your puppy's name not?
Mother to a daughter w/ curly hair. I am learning how to style and care for it. What type of hair does my daughter have? And any curly hair advice advice?
Colloidal oatmeal vs derma-treat by nature’s specialties?
Anything you would add to this bedroom or anything that should go?
My hair is completely matted
Phrases toddler picks up