Working at a country club has made me suicidal
Explained to my bf how my mom died because she no longer could afford her chemo and he said he doesn’t want his taxes to go up if we implement free healthcare
I am so ugly I will never have a gf
Is Robert Smith autistic?
Lol’s perception of Robert in Cured
I think it is time we talk about Robert's fixation with orifices.
Was Robert in an episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog?
Positive Philly thread
rs guys and girls, how much do you ACTUALLY make?
What books are y’all reading today
For how much she hates fat people, she loooooves wearing clothes that make her look bigger than the fat people she makes fun of. That’s why her insta ads show plus sized models all the time, she’s buying clothes meant for them😑
Thoughts on the Philly show?
Wedding photo
Now they want her to give her daughter away
And now they’re snarking on dogs, I can’t 🙄
The baby is over weight..? They know pregnancy weight doesn’t transfer to the baby right?
My current sentiment toward the voters where I live.
Ariel had the air on 60 😂😂
Why are more people not concerned?
This is my all-time favorite Alex moment. It never fails to make me snort laugh.
Queen of Tacky presents: Back to School Edition (BIC Caps)
this is so real
Love our alibaba queen 💅🏻
she’s obsessed