T2 Quakeblade GS or Adentus GS?
F2P Players eating good
Spellblades of Reddit
Peace Bosses Drop Rates
Gaining T2 weapons is UNFAIR
T1 arch lvl 12 does not sync
How to Optimize Massive PvP Battles (200+ Players) on an AMD Build – Siege & Archboss PvP Guide 🔥
conflict boss
Best meele pve and pvp for T2?
Mega Creeps should also send 1 ancient creeps in 1 of 3 lane
Trials are currently disabled so we cant get rune chests from weekly. How does this happen time and time again? Please fix this.
Wand/Staff or Wand/Bow?
Shadow Armor: Endurance for Dagger Users
Dimensional Contract Token I and II for next update
Will healing change with raid frames?
Brawler Captain Amitoi Compensation
Tico Talks: Weapon copy / tag system
33 kills under 50 seconds
Finish off failstacks before T2
Turka trial cheese ?
Bow dagger needs a buff
Why do prices keep dropping
Should show lowest trade price instead of latest trade price for trait extration.
Thoughts on Returning/Restarting?
3 Transcendance Skills at the same time