I hate copycats...
Baby shower
New upload killed last week's video.
Dad touching pregnant belly
Carseat to take baby home in
Do you prefer maternity pants that go over or under your belly?
I think I'm having a miscarriage 💔
When did you start drinking coffee again!?
Drop your state based tragedeighs!
Channel just died at Christmas.. impressions gone.
Question, what vibe do you get when you hear names like Kinsley, Braelin and Dexter?
I'm so scared to give birth lol help
Thoughts on the name Darwin?
My husband wants more kids, are my conditions unreasonable?
AIO about my husband ejaculating on me while I sleep?
Is the anti CA sentiment against liberals or conservatives?
My views have dropped by about 40% in the last 7 days across all my videos. Is anyone else experiencing the same issue? Is this normal, or is my channel dying? I create long-format documentary videos, ranging from 13 to 23 minutes.
Would you consider this a tragedeigh? (Pronounced "sailor.")
We are having a GIRL!
Whats your likes vs dislikes on your most popular videos?
Giving birth full bush?
Looking for Tools to Speed Up Video Editing
Love Sly 2 but
I constantly forget that I'm pregnant
Annoying things my MIL has said since finding out I’m pregnant