What I need to make ambient music.
A piece of my watercolor work
Can someone tell me wtf I made (watercolor)
How do I make a kick that mutes most of the sound beneath it without cloning the same plugin or automation clip for every single sound I use?
Walk in the Dunes on a Windy Day, watercolor
Yung Lean - Forever Yung (Official Video)
Trying to achieve this volume effect
480x480 II
Myth about FL daw saunding mofe fat than other Daws (especially for drum sounds )
Grafiska formgivare, ser ni en framtid inom industrin eller tar AI över helt?
How would you recreate the popping noise in this song?
Who are your personal top producers of the last two decades?
Searching for a simple cheap solution to just write and record some guitar riffs whitout any computer. Just wanna dit down and write some music whitout my studio/computer
Anyone got an idea for a name?
Rainy Night (watercolor)
Oklou - Choke Enough [her debut album is the best thing to come out in 2025 so far. also ambient trance rocks idc]
Just picked up Fabfilter Twin 3 and I think it sounds amazing, but I don't see it mentioned anywhere on Reddit. Anyone other Twin 3 users?
XXYYXX -- Forest Fires
I was 100% sure this was where the rizzler-scream soundbite came from
Would anyone be interested in joining a community with nearly 2000 musicians?
Ethan=He who must not be named
My girlfriend left me, but I found purpose in music – need advice from Logic Pro users
When I hit second puberty randomly in my 30s
Intel or Ryzen for FL Studio?
Artist developer here - what’s your biggest struggle?