My first FLIP project!
Tornado - My first Pyro project
Tribute to 1899 TV Show Intro - My First School Project of the Year
Losing my “why” in the vfx industry
MSI GS66 - CPU Fan running full RPM for 8 sec then off, then on, then off
What is your favorite program that you have used which is now discontinued?
Is it possible to "freeze" spawning particles at a certain attribute value?
How to change the Noise seed (offset) for each curve? They spawn and die at diferents times so the iteration detail attribute in a loop will change everytime, and it'll multiply the seed at the same time.
Animated Attribute to drive Vellum Stiffness
Light expression to separate emission light groups in AOVs
What are the best building destruction/collapses scenes in movies?
Create attribute based on primitive lifetime
How to achieve tentacle-like effect?
How to add prop to specific agent clip - Crowds
Expression to affect by attribute with falloff/blur
Guide : installing Quixel Bridge (Megascans) plug-in with Houdini 19.5 on Windows
How can I smooth the shadow and outliner? I smoothed the normals and subdivided the mesh and I still get these harsh lines
How can I achieve a handpainted look with AIToon?
Move IK effector/controller by noise
Enviroment creation - Is Bifrost the best way to scatter plants and trees?
How to animate a surface that only emits light when touched by object? (example below from the Blender community)
Do you guys think I could make it to SR?
My SuperRare Genesis💎 Any tips for those struggling to get their work out there?
How do I bake this animation?
Is it possible to animate noise texture coordinates with a null?