The Adopt Me! Chronicle | ARCHIVE
what specific episodes of tv shows mention taylor negatively?
Will Moon Egg pets increase in vals?
The Adopt Me! Chronicle ISSUE #3: St. Patrick's Day, woodland eggs, and more!
What country is this? (wrong answers only)
"Girly pop"
is this messy layering??
What do I name her?
Rest in peace kevin.
what is the obsession with spin the wheel?
How much have values changed?
Anyone else find mc life more boring without the mob vote or is it just me?
does anyone use the petal dress anymore..or was it only cool because of hype
If adopt me where to add a new building what would it be?
fun adopt me fact
Forget favorite pets show me your OLDEST pet?
Is it Christmas today?
So are we just gonna ignore this or??
Has anyone gotten a callback for the victorious reboot?
This is an article from roblox.....
Flyin' through the free fall
I love how they are still there ⭐😍