Just got a copy of the first mech I ever used.
TLDR the graffiti on the walls has actual meaning
Did you bring rock?
Periphery PPC carrier
NEED more Shirou and the boys content
Shirou x Archer is the best Fate ship and I won't hear otherwise and I am not being ironic or joking im dead serious Shirou should fuck himself idk what anyone says 😐😐
Share your best reaction images
Let's see what yall got.
Lets see what yall got.
Rin if she was actualy any good
2024's New Simps for Guda
Give me your funniest reaction images
They should have a threesome
Send me your best esoteric meme and I'll judge em
if we go the entirety of 2025 without a new class, i might lose it boss
Am i supposed to jerk off the enemy?
Did shirou steal saber from archer or did archer steal saber from shirou?
Please tell me I’m not the only one
How do the other dwarves even know how to build stuff?!
Pick your Director, Chaldean
Pasaporte de Natasha Arcanofv Agente Encubierta de Holopolis. Pasaporte Dia 7.
Just car things
Emiya said it's swording time and sworded all over Gilgamesh's defenseless anus