What's your least favorite Twenty One Pilots song? (not including RAB)
First project!
Trying less traditional, more contemporary arrangements.
3D topo map of Joshua Tree, inspired by my recent sunset experience there!
Current state of the Mavs
I know it’s just a snake, but it’s my first completed piece aside from Woobles… So that’s something I guess 😅
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Washington NC USA, February 2025, Sony a7rv, 200-600mm
I crocheted this little gardening brontosaurus named Juniper
Which color palette would you choose for the Mushie Guy?
House Finches are underrated
Rainy day visit!
TCP lowkey difficult
What’s on your “bird feeding bucket list”?
Y’all I passed!
First far exam
Score out…Passed 4/4
I don’t know what to do 41 on FAR
PASSED REG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would like for you to confirm if this qualifies for Borbdom
Yellow-rumped Warbler that’s been dominating my feeder all day
Fun Day at the Feeder (sorry for spamming recently!!)
Update: saw the raven again 🥰
My nonbirding(??) boyfriend has sent us another gift from his office window/bird sanctuary
Part 2: My non birdring boyfriend getting better pics than I ever have from his office window (and I've never even seen a northern flicker)