A place to discuss Taylor Swift’s music
A place to snark on the True Swiftly sub
A place to snark on TSwizzle
Rachel Goes Rogue Podcast: Episode from December 18th, “Rachel’s “Going” Rogue.”
Real reason Ariana issued the royal decree about not hanging out with Sandoval?
Whitney’s documentary?
Winter House Season 3 Reunion Trailer!
Who wore it better? Miami Lisa or Salt Lake Angie?
Wow, okay Ariana
Can someone please tell me why there’s such a huge vibe difference between this sub and r/vanderpumprules??
The Instagram account Cici Loves You posted a bullseye read on Raquel “negotiating” her salary based around her mental health. I think it’s the best read out there about her return and what it will look like.
Redemption Arc
“hopefully there’s enough men to go around” says ratty rachel to lala days before oliver hookup 👀
hopefully there’s enough men to go around says rat 👀
when james & lala both single on wwhl
“all” the women katie asked shortz to not hook up with😂 all 5 of ‘em 🤣
Lindsay and Carl engaged: OFFICIAL PEOPLE
this tom & ariana wwhl spot keeps getting worse 😬👀
may 17 is now ‘scandoval day’ we watch the finale in memoriam
may 17 is now scandoval day we watch the finale in memoriam
sweet mayas body language 🥺protective stance pissed ears
another one of us! elyse myers starting convos “do u know what’s happening in the vanderpump world ”😂
homage to katie
famous vpr fans out in the wild- jeffrey dean is one of us
knockoff scheana’s finding me everywhere on amazon 😂😂😂