Looking for a Jean wig for cosplay
Party dragon's silk robe: is the embroidery supposed to be gold or actually yellow
What are some iconic DE clothes and accessories?
Ruby is Cuno's mom theory
Should I not buy from the ZA/UM store?
The closest I could find to the Mesque Banger's Red Brogues
What's the best way to get a yellow bag with the Frittte logo?
Do we know Isolas are flat?
Has anyone here read Huysmans' "Against Nature"?
A bug just killed my level 88 on hardcore
Where can I get a really good party dragon's silk robe?
Is a "murder cogitator" a roundabout word for a computer used for hacking?
Let's fucking GOOOO
Open letter To My "Wife"
Why do mutants have mouth straps
I feel like I'm having a stroke reading this: "What Path of Exile 2 Can Teach You About Getting Laid"
What do tech priests think of the warp?
I got this tattoo before playing DE and I just realized it's almost exactly Dolores Dei
"What Warhammer 40k Can Teach You About Picking Up Girls on Valentine's Day"
The final boss of neckbeard articles: "What Warhammer 40k Can Teach You About Picking Up Girls on Valentine's Day"
The act 2 desert people? I've figured them out
The act 2 desert people are afrom UZBEKISTAN