From a historical perspective, have successful removals of tyrants been accomplished through physical force or legal mechanisms?
Sick of these misleading ads.
Incase you're American and curious what's being said on Canadian Media
Does anyone else feel like they're living in the start of a nightmare right now?
Will the non-proliferation regime hold?
Nuclear disarmament
When the project is mastering to 4K, what resolution are you producing VFX at?
What would you like to see Toronto do better in 2025?
Now that Leonard Cohen and Gord Downie are gone, who would you say is Canada’s (unofficial) poet laureate?
Help with understanding how to survive here?
Long term employees - How long since your last raise?
Have you been to The Well yet?
Bleak, lonely looking movies.
These are the bins they use to store the chicken/meat that you order through PC Express.
Stupid question?
How old were you were you saw your 1st Kubrick films and do you think they did any damage to your young growing mind?
How Long Until We Have *TRUE* AI Personal Assistants?
I'm starting a new position as creative director and i want some tips about how to get along with the team
It’s a sunny Sunday in July! Tell us how you’re doing
Some thoughts about 2001 A Space Odyssey
Tips for Client-Side VFX Producers To Optimize Workflow (Things To Stop Doing)
Movies to watch that have the best chance of improving your mental health and outlook on life?
Why does it seem as if people feel entitled to demand restrictions on film as opposed to other art forms?
I am scared of taking Effexor.
Why doesn't rename itself to, is it stupid?