This is only going to get worse
A golden Mount Rushmore monument with Trump's head on display at Mar-a-Lago
Don’t worry everyone, Elon’s keeping you safe on Xitter
Dismantling democracy and destroying civil rights is fine, but please don't mess with my wife's retirement.
7 states are experiencing extreme storms. Today the President won a golf championship at his own golf course
Oh great, this fucker is back.
So tuff
Oh nothing, just the President, VP and shadow president making lame memes
Is Elon Musk a national security threat?
FWI:First Contact is made and Elon Musk represents earth
These penguins were stuck in a dip and were freezing to death, so this BBC Crew broke the rules stating they can't interfere to save them
Finally got one!!!!
Fn Arlene
DOGE SuperBoss accuracy
$100M Political Favor!!!
Alright, it's a thing. 😒 Nothing is ever a mistake for these people.
This is what happens when you betray your allies.
What if...
Madness.... This is madness
Should I paint my windows and door to match the trim?
WankPanzer spotted with a "Deport Elon" sticker
Elon is a legitimate sociopath. This is beyond being socially awkward.
Republicans push to make "Trump Derangement Syndrome" a mental illness
New "literally me" patch update?
Does Grimes know?
This is saving us so much money, right?