Filler knocked out by Cory James at Portside Tattoo, SD, CA
That elbow tat thread was nice. Let's see the ditches now.
Anyone have any fun elbow tattoos that are NOT webs??
Commissioning as an officer with forearm tattoo
Shady situation last night on my drive back to Austin from College Station. Stay safe, guys! (Music Warning)
high e buzz
Some of the tats I got in 2024!
My Desert Scene done by Jake Emery over at San Diego Portside Tattoo!
Osgood-schlatter disease
Graduated boot 8 hours ago. Ask away
picat scores, where do i go from here
Regulations for tattoos and sleeves in the marine corps?
Do I rate the NDSM?
Marksmanship training before OCS?
Can’t stand college, going to enlist.
New Leave/Liberty MCOl
Space A Flight?
Why are my fingers so crooked?
Trad Tattoos in PCola?
How to fly with dress uniforms
Service Alphas Help
Marine Corps basic training back in the day.
What’s the most fucked up thing you’ve seen at work?
OJ Bronco in the wild
Do you accrue 2.5 days of monthly leave while at TBS?