Buh Byeee my Luv
The King Road Neighborhood- eerie how close other neighbors were to the murders
What is your go-to food or drink item at Dollar Tree?
Prosecutors: Kohberger purchased a Ka-Bar knife and sheath from Amazon in March 2022 (State's Response to Defendant's Motion in Limine #9 RE: Excluding Amazon Click Activity at Trial)
Height Challenged - Etiquette for Carry-Ons?
Will SW get better WiFi?
Prosecutors plan to introduce this photograph of Kohberger, taken on his phone at 10:31 a.m. on Nov. 13, 2022
BPD need to do better
I Don't Get It
Combined Theory on Events, Motive and Aligning Testimony
Epicenter of Trump support in Georgia (66% in 2024) won't get to sell their peanuts
But sir, I was just an innocent bystander
Ethan Chapin's mother reacts to court's latest orders and discusses possibly attending the trial
Trump voter loses government contract.
Parents who voted for Trump are surprised when their special needs children lose benefits
Surviving roommate: Not sure what she "heard or saw was real," thought she might have been dreaming
Want to experience the worst, most unwelcoming, most pretentious & self centered people on earth? Move to La Jolla
so fucking sick of homeless people harassing me and my kids when we’re existing in public spaces.
my dyslexic son hates orton gillingham tutoring
Will you still be southwest loyal when assigned seating begins?
Texas Cheerleader Charged With Fatally Poisoning Rival's Goat
Norovirus cases are surging in parts of the US, CDC data shows
Pizza Parties Aren’t Raises: Why Are Companies Getting Recognition So Wrong?
AITA for telling my father and his girlfriend that the gift she got me was creepy and invasive?
Most Pregnant Women Who Contract Bird Flu Will Die